is a platform based on our own learning system that has proved itself as a prolific spaced system of flashcards. Initially the system uses 7 groups for storing information. The main idea is usage of groups to identify the level of remembering the information.
A user creates flashcards with necessary information and stores it in a preliminary group that leads to group 1 in the beginning. Ultimately all the terms become a huge chain where the last, 7th group indicates the end of learning a piece of information. Should a flashcard leave group 7, the information on it is believed to be fully learnt.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
All new terms are stored in a preliminary group. It is recommended to create about 2 thousand flashcards to start. However, for better convenience and quicker start it is possible to start with shorter number of terms and add them gradually.
The user is supposed to add 15-30 new terms to group 1 daily. We recommend adding 20 terms as a proven number of most convenience. Then according to the schedule, the user learns necessary groups. A term marked as “remembered” goes to the next group up to the very end, the 7th group. A “forgotten” term goes back to group 1 no matter the current location. The learning of the flashcard ends when it goes out group 7.
offers a calendar that contains a developed sequence of learning flashcards. According to the spaced system group 1 is learnt daily while the other groups appear less frequent based on its queue (for instance, group 2 is repeated every two days, group 3 - every three days, etc.).
Unlock your learning potential with our platform!
The student focuses on the most difficult information on flashcards that always appear in group 1 and repeated daily. The result is a reduction in time spent on learning.
The platform provides additional “most forgotten” group that contains terms forgotten more than 10 times. This additional group allows to learn these terms without changing their location in groups as many times as needed for proper remembrance.